9 Key Steps to Stop Unwittingly Losing Cash During Negotiations on the Sale of your Dental Surgery
When you get your free eBook you will discover the proven negotiating mistakes and omissions which have consistently cost dentistry sellers fortunes, including...
- The 9 key factors you must be aware of before beginning negotiations on your Dental practice that will stop you from accepting anything less than a premium offer.
- The most underused and underrated tool that is essential to understanding the other sides positioning and how you can use it to your advantage.
- The two treacherous traps that will destroy any chance of open, honest communication during negotiations.
- The five best proven tactics for negotiation success when selling a dental practice and how to use them. (85% of failed negotiations were caused from not understanding tactic 1 correctly).
If you have half an eye on selling in the next couple of years or even if your curious then you should invest ten minutes with me as I share the real life experiences and mistakes sellers have made since I founded this firm.
Only 99 free copies of this eBook available. Receive it now!
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Please read the book, it really is full of useful information you will find beneficial.
Yours faithfully,
Kimberley Hagues