Highly experienced cash buyer willing to pay a signifiant premium for a shop front private practice in North/ West London

Up front budget: £1,000,000

Current turn over circa: £350,000

Valuation Multiple: Cash available to pay over market rate

Offer Structure: 100% Upfront

Previous acquisitions experience: + No

Established since: 2021

Locations: North London,West London

Additional Notes:
- As an entrepreneurial individual, this buyer is a published author and runs their own social media business as well as being qualified in restorative, facial aesthetics, Invisalign and minimally invasive techniques, ensuring that your patients and business are being run by someone capable

- Boasting cash funding from significant personal savings, this buyer is willing to pay a premium for a shop front private focused practice with 2 or more surgeries in an easily accessible location, giving any seller the opportunity to exit at a generous premium above the current market rate

- Enjoying a fresh perspective on dentistry and very much focused on the practice environment, patient journey and wanting to build up a sterling reputation for the long-haul, this associate will look after your life's work and develop your practice to it's full potential

- Committed to buying, this purchaser will move through the process with ease and speed ensuring a stress-free and seamless transaction

For more information please call 01765 698 699 and quote the reference number 179274